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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lunch Counter 019

I was in Chicago today for several meetings and had some time for lunch and a sketch. I had only taken really small pieces of cardboard and the bud vases on the counter with cheerful flowers - a harbinger of Spring on such a cold Winter day- were clearly a vertical composition. So I used two small pieces to make a bigger one.
I was talking with another artist friend of mine who does photo transfers and breaks one image up into a grid and prints out each piece in order to enlarge the original image. He goes to some efforts to make sure that the pieces of the image are in the right order - so the question arose, what happens if they are scrambled up? Would it result in something even more interesting?
Finding variations and alternatives is simply creative problem solving, or more importantly problem finding. We as artists are looking for problems that we want to explore. It can lead to interesting places. And more questions.
I am interested in the meaning that we assign to objects. For this project I am choosing objects that hold some meaning for me - personal meaning and memories. I am also aware that other people who look at these drawings will have different associations than mine, and that is part of what I want to explore.
I am also taking these drawings and combining them with other elements to make collage pieces out of them. In this way my hope is to take it out of the realm of being about my memories, and make it about the idea of memory, the concept of associations we make with objects, and the process of imbuing objects with meaning.


Unknown said...

I am intrigued by the idea of seeing pictures like this split up into different areas of a piece. I have a jigsaw puzzle that is a fractured collage set of pictures such as you described that your friend does. It is thousands of little pictures of wolves and depending on the background color of the picture, they have been reassembled to make a large picture of a wolf. Pictures within a picture type thing.
I like the quality of transparency you achieved in drawing the vase and shakers. It is really well done.

artist jeff said...

